Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dennis Martin, still rocking, still a hunk after all these years. Posted by Picasa

Some seriously fantastic music  Posted by Picasa

Dennis and his two beautiful sons Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 05, 2005

Rocking Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Really terrific singer, wish I remembered her name. Posted by Picasa

Jennifer and Danny, cutting the rug. Posted by Picasa

xx Posted by Picasa

Sweet Posted by Picasa

The Martin boys Posted by Picasa

The pool table really was the center of activity for a lot of the evening, which is why I parked myself there. I was liking the overhead light from the hanging neon and it was fun watching people check out the band shots. Posted by Picasa

Dennis, blowing out the candles. Posted by Picasa

Best cake I ever tasted... lemon poppyseed cake baked by Patsy Berton. Got to get that recipe! Posted by Picasa

Signing the book Posted by Picasa

Checking out the memorabilia Posted by Picasa

and everyone signed the book.. (or else!) Posted by Picasa